
Earlier, people used to go to the local shops, markets, malls etc. They would talk to the people regarding the products, and then the purchases were made.
Now, things have changed. New trends have taken place. The internet, entrepreneurs, and startups play an important role in this process. When any new technology replaces the old one, the existing habits, hobbies, interests, and tastes of the people are also replaced with the new ones. For example, we watch lots of online videos instead of watching traditional television, which is also a part of disruptive technology.
Disruptive technology has changed our habits, products, lifestyle, taste etc. There are lots of examples of it - Voice search, online shopping, Mobile devices, eBooks, social media etc.
Technological innovation

On the other hand, "Innovation" is a continuous process, which takes place after the "Invention". Nowadays, we mostly use LED bulbs to save our environment, and to save electricity. The first incandescent light bulb is not so great if we compare it with a LED bulb in terms of the electricity consumption and the brightness. The LED Bulb is the "Innovation".
"Invention is created. Innovation makes the Invention better."
Technological innovation can be used to create a new product, or to make the existing product better by using advanced research techniques, development studies, technical knowledge, tools etc.

Our climate is constantly changing. Pollution is increasing day by day. We are producing so much waste every day, but not trying to recycle the waste. This is the time when we have to think about alternative fuels and technologies, and then green technology comes into the picture. Green technology generates green ways to create environmentally friendly products (Eco-friendly Products). It can protect our environment while repairing the already damaged environment.
Solar cell is a good example of green technology. Solar panels produce electrical energy from natural light (Sun's light). But there is a big issue with solar panels, they contain lead and other toxic chemicals. Every solar panel has to be replaced after a few years. There is a tough question that how to safely dispose or recycle these toxic panels.
We need more innovation in clean energy. AI or Artificial Intelligence helps us do that. Photovoltaic panels are used to produce solar energy (Clean Energy), but these panels are made of toxic chemicals. Above all, they are very costly. AI or Artificial Intelligence automatically learns from the available data, using machine learning to clone human intelligence, where iterative processing and intelligent algorithms play an important role. That's why AI becomes quite good at the repetitive tasks. The machine learns how to respond to certain actions.
Artificial intelligence (AI) can predict the performance of renewable energy, and it can also help us in designing and controlling the operation of solar energy systems, which can produce the better Photovoltaic panels with the improved power conversion efficiency at low cost.

Digital technology has got no boundaries, and no limits. Whatever we do in our lives, everything is connected. Data collection, computers, devices, methods, systems, eBooks, Videos, Social Media, Artificial intelligence, Bots etc. It is quite difficult to think about those things, which are not connected in this wired network.
Everyday new inventions and innovations are taking place. Some people call it digital disruption, but some call it digital transformation.